Wednesday, November 05, 2008

It's Over

With a sigh of relief, I thank God that's over. It seems as though that election cycle lasted for several years. I'm not pleased with the results. Frankly, I believe that the President-Elect was elected for one reason only - race. I still believe he is shallow, too liberal for this - or any - nation, and too inexperienced for the task he is undertaking. I also know that there was fraud in the election process.

But, that having been said, or written, in January he will be the elected leader of our nation (and the free world) and I will extend to him the respect that office deserves. 1 Peter 2:13,14 exhorts us to:
Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.

The President-Elect represents many positions which are unBiblical. If they are imposed upon the populace as mandates, I will resist. Otherwise I will continue to try to be a good citizen and encourage others to do likewise. I will continue to pray for our leaders as we are commanded to do in God's Word ( 1Timothy 2:1-3).

God is sovereign. The outcome of this election was no accident. Trust God, pray for your leaders, work for the good of the Kingdom of God, and seek the peace and prosperity of the nation to which God has sent you (Jeremiah 29:7).


Anonymous said...

Yep, I'm glad it is over too! But, that typically means something new will start--and I don't even want to go there.

Appreciate your perspective on the President-elect and the encouragement to pray...with the balance of resisting.

And I'll add, besides continuing to pray for our leaders and submit to their authority we should also be about being ready--ready to give an account for the hope we have, ready to stand or flee, ready to give the gospel, ready to see God and follow Him.

Curt said...

Chris, you wrote: "And I'll add, besides continuing to pray for our leaders and submit to their authority we should also be about being ready--ready to give an account for the hope we have, ready to stand or flee, ready to give the gospel, ready to see God and follow Him."

To which I say, "Amen."

~jenna said...

AMEN, to all the above, and of course, the post!!

Touching lives said...

Jenna sent me your way... I am also in agreement.

Love you Uncle Curt.
