Did You Ever Wonder…
o …Why are there always rocks handy when young men wish to riot?
o …Why rich liberals seem to think that if their revolutionary, radical friends should ever win they won’t be the first ones “purged”?
o …Why Al Gore, famous for inventing the internet, is considered a serious scientist (despite evidence to the contrary)?
o …Why, in this age of global warming, we’ve had the snowiest December on record here in Maine?
o …How people who claim to be rational can believe that humans evolved from amoebae or fish or apes?
o …Why we Americans cannot get a decent candidate for President – from either side of the aisle?
o ...Why Christians expect pagans to act like anything other than pagans?
Dear friends, may you have a blessed 2008. Please expand this list of "Did You Ever Wonder..." questions with your own quaint queries.
Ever wonder why there are handicap parking spaces in front of a skating rink?
Thank you, my dear. On situations like this, Arsenio Hall used to point to his head and say, "that makes you go 'hmmmmmm?'".
BTW, folks, pacratpenelope, has started us off nicely. It's open season. Join in. This is interactive!
why are there braille dots on the drive-up atm?
Would Abraham Lincoln be electable today?
"Who invented liquid soap, and why?"
~John Cusack from "The Sure Thing"
That's all folks!
Why sports announcers only speak in the present tense?
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