Sunday, June 12, 2011


How many days are there in your week? Silly question, you say? I don’t think so. Consider the millions of people, many of whom you know, who only get one day every week.

For these poor folk, that’s the only day the youth athletic leagues play, or practice, or hold meetings. The other youth organizations also hold all their events on this one day that these people are allotted each week. Softball tournaments (we aren’t talking youth anymore) regularly take place on Oneday. These unfairly put-upon folk also have only that Oneday on which they can wash their cars, go to the movies, go shopping, mow the lawn, paint the house, hold or visit yard sales, or get ready for the barbecue (not to mention, of course, holding said barbecue, or party, or shower).

To make matters worse for these overburdened individuals, it’s the only day they can get overtime or visit with their friends and/or relatives. It’s this day that everyone else at work takes off, so they are pushed into “covering” - regularly. And all these events (and many more) take place at the same times on Oneday: sometime between 10am and noon.

Imagine the decisions over which some of these people agonize some weeks. It’s enough to make them throw up their collective hands and just go back to bed - until around one o’clock.

How much easier it would be for these people if they were relieved of all the decision-making.

Here’s a far-fetched concept. Maybe they could simply pick one activity to attend each week and make a commitment to doing that. Maybe it could be something like oh, I don’t know, maybe attending church.

Perhaps, instead of being the thing that they do only when they are bored and don’t have anyplace else to be, they could set church attendance as a priority. They could even bring those visiting friends and relatives along!

Oh, maybe not. The bowling league is having a trophy presentation next Oneday. One couldn't miss that, could one?

Decisions; decisions.